Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Traveling Projects - A New Medium (Just What I Need)

I had to make a quick trip to Washington this weekend, and I needed something to keep my hands busy during layovers and whatnot. Thank goodness I just rediscovered embroidery, but not just any embroidery - Sublime Stitching. It's so fun and as they say, "this ain't your gramma's embroidery." I haven't embroidered since I was 6 or 7. I used to embroider a lot and in fact, I think I was better at it at 6 or 7 than I am now (More time? More patience? Smaller hands? Better eyesight? Poor recall?).

Anyhow, here's how I kept myself busy (I will return to the topic of the Twilight Series in another post), just in time for Dia de los Mertos (hi Tracy!), a holiday I happen to love decorating for.

Ooh, wouldn't that be fun to turn the senorita into a nurse instead, replacing the mantilla with a nurse hat and (of course) replacing the margarita glass with something else? A syringe? (ok, fun for me...)

Here are my next projects:

Mas Dia de los Muertos - ay que cute-a!

And Sushi!

Next time, I think I'll get the pattern with the sewing maching and spools of thread. But, oh my gosh, I just found one with vital organs. I must have this one too!! And this one too! Oh, brother...this is a problem.

Changing the subject a little, it should be mentioned that this DDLM post Pink Chalk Studio back in 2006 was the very spark that rekindled my flame for sewing and crafting (and blogging). So, thank you from the bottom of my big ol' maniacally-crafty heart.

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