This weekend, my friend Karen accompanied me in buying my very first (own) sewing machine! I have been using my mom's trusty cast-iron Singer for, well, 25 years. And she has served me well, but I thought it time to see what I've been missing.
Here it is!

I bought it at Eddie's Quilting Bee in Sunnyvale, and it was quite a pleasant experience. The machine comes with 3 years of classes and, if in a year, I decide to upgrade, I get the full value of the machine towards a better one.
My favorite features are the hands-free sewing, needle up/down feature, automatic needle-threading, and the cutting feature which cuts your thread and brings both down to the bottom (a must-have for the anal-retentive sewer).
I haven't used it yet, but I will surely be posting projects. I am so excited!!!