Saturday, February 21, 2009

Patchy Dishtowels

A little hostess gift for my hostess (D's mom). I'm in NY for a week, so probably very little blogging.

See you in a week!

Friday, February 20, 2009

C Bag for Carol

My friend, Carol, and I decided that since we both had to work Valentine's Day, we would be each other's at-work Valentines.

She brought me a pound of chocolate (I've been a well-behaved chocoholic thus far) and a "kitchen sink" cookie (oh the cookie? It's long gone.) and I made her a "C" bag. I had been meaning to make her one forever, but now I had the perfect occasion.

I used some IKEA fabric I've had stashed for ages, and the "C" is made from that awesome linen/cotton stuff I talk about.

She loved it so much - she practically carried it all shift and that made me immensely happy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In The Works

While D and I were in Seattle, I peeked in on the Ace Hotel. I had wanted to stay there but there was no vacancy. All the beds had these Swiss Army blankets on them and I was obsessed! I know, they're a little nursey, but that's why I like it so much.

However, I had a hard time finding one, and this one is a little too pricey.

So I'm making my own quilted version in that fabulous linen/cotton fabric from Peapod. And of course, the leftover linen from the Anthroplogie bedskirt (which I will never run out of).

We'll see how this one turns out!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Preppy Baby

All she needs now is a string of pearls and a scholarship to Wellesley...neither of which I can provide.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy [Belated] Balentime's Day

Since I spent Valentine's Day with my co-workers, I thought it appropriate to make them mini strawberry Valentine's cupcakes.

I used the Sprinkle's Cupcakes recipe for the cake. And then I used the frosting recipe from the red velvet cupcakes I made, except that I added a little strawberry puree. It was dreamy!

I hope you all had a happy Balentime's Day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Little Tiny Paper Pads

Today I was finally able to use my padding compound! Look at these tiny little paper pads I made.

I printed out a sheet of this paper and used my new little rubber stampies to decorate. Then I scanned and reprinted a few sheets:

I cut them up & used pieces of cereal box as a backing (classy!):

clamped them and painted padding compound along the top edge (I use only the best and most sophisticated tools):

And voila! Little tiny paper pads.

Try it, you'll like it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Little Bit Crazy

The other day I was sick. Like, sick sick. Like, can't-even-make-it-to-the-sewing-machine sick. So I slept until 5:45 PM and then slept through the night again, waking up a little here and there (which should be expected considering I slept 17 hours just a few hours earlier). Anyhow, in one of my here-and-there awake moments, I was thinking about projects I should work on once I start feeling better (that, in itself is a little "sick").

I have this quilt I made a while back (apparently I was sick last time I worked on it as well). It was my first go at the new walking foot, and I think I was ready to just be done with it (as it goes with me and projects), so I quilted it in this lame spiral (aka get 'er done) square pattern. Dissatisfied in the middle of the night, I planned out in my head how I would take the binding off of the top and bottom (to ensure the binding still fit) and quilt it with vertical lines instead.

As soon as I was able, I ripped off the binding, un-quilted it, re-quilted it, and re-bound. I am so crazy. I mean, who un-quilts a quilt to re-quilt it? Maybe I was still a little sick in the head.

I just washed it up and love it much better. I'm re-inspired to gift it out. How can you not love a wrinkly linen front and a yummy corduroy back? Ok, it's cream, not ideal for a baby or a floor, but whatever...

Monday, February 09, 2009

I Should Probably Switch Things Up

I'm starting to see a pattern:

I've become so predictable

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Moving Right Along

This was a fun and rewarding quilt to make - but if you're a picky presser, getting the row seams to press to one side was a beast, so I boycotted and didn't do it. Not sure I'll tackle triangles again any time soon (because I've got circles on the mind anyhow), but eventually. And maybe using this method instead.


Post-wash (I much prefer this wrinkly look):

The back - surprise! It's orange!
(you saw it coming)

This one is going to stay right here with me. I'm trying to see how many quilts can fit on one bed before it begins to look completely ridiculous.

Friday, February 06, 2009

This Could Be Problemmatic

What have I done? I haven't even finished the triangle quilt and I'm already taking another bite?

Oh dear... it's going to be a long year.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Cupcake Run

I'm on a roll with the cupcake theme this week.

It's supposed to be a cupcake, but it actually looks a little like a popcorn kernel.

I still like it.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

While the Pan Was Still Out...

My dad makes this delicious orange cake by blending an entire orange in the food processor - rind, pith, and all. I had been wanting to try it myself in a cupcake version.

I thought I would try and fancy it up a bit by using blood oranges. So I present to you Blood Orange Cupcakes with Cardamom Vanilla Frosting:

I was surprised (and a little disappointed) to find that the ruby color of the orange cooked right out. In fact, it turned a little greenish! The cake has a strong, slightly bitter, orange flavor - and the cardamom frosting complements it perfectly (I used this same frosting recipe, but added a little ground cardamom).

This is what it looks like after I ate 1/2 of it for addition to my regularly scheduled breakfast.

I make sacrifices for my craft - I'm hardcore like that.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Red Velvet Cupcakes, Y'All

I have been wanting to make red velvet cupcakes forever. On Sunday, I finally made them. I used this recipe (I'm so sad her blog has been put to rest).

I don't even like chocolate cake (which is the usual base for red velvet cake), and I'm not sure I would go ga-ga over the taste of red velvet if I had a blindfold on. I think I just like the novelty of the deep red color. I do, however, love a cream cheese frosting, no matter what cake it's on top of.

Yummy gorgeous batter.

That's a lot of cupcakes!

Can you see the little vanilla flecks in this ridiculously delicious frosting?? I definitely recommend the frosting recipe, even if you use it on a cupcake other than red velvet....y'all.

Excuse me while I sample the delights.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Flock of Triangles - Top Done

On Saturday, I finished the top of my Flock of Triangles quilt. I made my January deadline (sort of) YAY! It currently measures 60" x 72".

Some of the triangles have points, and some do not, but I'm OK with that.

I'm proud to say I busted some serious stash on this one. This quilt has 3 different white fabrics: a linen/cotton from the everlasting Anthroplogie tablecloth/bed skirt, kona cotton, and some random muslin I had lying around. I tried to capture all three in this photo:

The blues are from D's quilt, the kids' Christmas clothes, and a baby blanket I made. The greens are from the Steve Bunny I made Makaio, a differnt baby blanket, my Barcelona skirt, and some other bits that I had.

I'm thinking of backing it with something unexpected, like orange.... but now it's not unexpected anymore. Hmmm. When Peapod opens up on Tuesday, I'll be there picking something excellent out.