Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Botched Bag Rescued

Back when the screen printing factory was open (it will reopen soon), I made all those anatomical heart tote bags. But since I'm such a novice, each one turned out a little differently. I made one of them far too light, but I didn't have the heart (pun totally intended) to toss it - and I'm too much a perfectionist to give it away.

And so ... I've embellished it a bit and turned it into something I might actually carry around (or give as a gift).

I was going to make a "pink" and a "blue" side, like a real heart, but I messed up and appliqued the pink fabric on the blue side of the heart. And so both sides just ended up with the same fabric. It's more art than anatomy anyhow.

I love it, I love it, I love it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love it too!