Well, I know I've been quiet in the posting department, but things
are going on around here. We're actually in the process of buying a house (!), so that's been consuming much of my time, energy, and adrenaline.
In anticipation of having to move (shoot me now!), I thought I would "consolidate" and start using up some of these fabrics. Some old, some new. Also, it is very like me to embark on a big project when there are
one meelion other more important, more pressing action items to tackle.
This is an (as usual) exceptional evening-time photo of what I've been working on (soon there will be good lighting at the new house!). We'll have some guest beds to make, so I'm going to make this one a twin-size. Inspired by
this a-dor-a-ble quilt, it's mostly blues and greens, but I'm not sure about the orange on mine. Maybe the orange will look better if I omit the Liberty of London (for Target) print. I need one more color - what do you color theorists out there suggest? Would a little bit of red work? Hmm.... I will sash it with white.
These crosses come together really quickly and require very little ruler action. The more un-straight (I refuse to use the word "wonky"... aw, crap. I just did!), the better. Anyhow, hopefully you'll see a finished product before too long.
And do get back to me on those color recommendations!