Friday, May 06, 2011

I Heart Muji

Every time we go to New York to visit D's family, it's compulsory that we go into the city and visit Muji. I would liken it to a Japanese Crate & Barrel. Everything is so simple and sleek. D likes all the little boxes and the fact that everything is paper-bag brown. I like the clever-grasshopperness of their products, and all the fine-tipped pens.

One perceptive little Easter Bunny put these alphabet cookie cutters in my Easter basket, which I am in love with. That Easter Bunny, he always knows...

photo from Muji


Kate said...

I want to go to there.

Al said...

Hey there!
Kate showed me the way to your blog and I'm so happy she did! In fact, it's one of my new I'm showing a little love on our site. Hope you like...
