Friday, November 30, 2007

Don't Be Jealous...

Are these not the loviest lovies ever??? I can hardly stand it.

My brother-in-law has had bike races every 3 weeks in the City so that means I get to see my family every 3 weeks (in MY 'hood!). I'm so lucky.

Malia, 6

Makaio, 2

Maile, 5 months


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Baby it's Cold Outside

Well, at least your coffee won't be cold! Check out my new coffee cozies...inspired by this awesome chica (mine are not as cool, but be patient, this was my first draft).

How green, yes? Reusable cozies. And what a great use for all my scraps!

Babies, Babies, Babies

Oy, ve! Everyone is having babies!!

Don't let the drama fool you - I am LOVING making baby gifts. Here is a little something I made one of my coworkers:

Little embellished cloth diaper burp cloths and 2 onesies. Heather Ross fabric is PERFECT for these onesies.

What I thought was very cute was that in her thank you note, she mentioned how much her husband liked it. Awwww....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ballooning in Tuscany

I can't believe I've waited so long to blog about Italy! I've been very bad. I'll try to highlight my favorite parts little by little.

For my birthday, D took me on a hot air balloon ride in Tuscany - can you even stand how gorgeous this is?? There were 4 balloons - 3 of which held the wedding guests. We got up at 5:00 and drove an hour to this picturesque plot for our sunrise ride. Once you're up, it's so quiet and peaceful. And the view was exactly as you'd imagine Tuscany would appear - lush, green, rolling hills speckled with stone farmhouses.

Our view from the basket.

Here is the groom's father, D, and me. In the basket with us was Greg, the "photographer," and Stefanino, our pilot. The ride was concluded with an outdoor champagne bruch with delicious Italian meats, cheeses, and pastries. Mmmmmmm....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Loose Lady

from Real Simple Magazine

Ok, I know my last post was over a month ago (and my last GOOD post over 2 months ago), and there is so much to tell you about the in-between happenings, but I'm starting here. And don't worry, you'll be filled in.

Last night I auditioned for a group called Loose Interpretations, an all-female performing a cappella group... and guess what? I'm a "Loosie" now!!

My friend, Sydney, heard about them in Real Simple magazine (I read the article too, but didn't think to time-activate) and joined a few weeks ago. And then she convinced me to try out as well. And, well, there you have it.