I can't believe I've waited so long to blog about Italy! I've been very bad. I'll try to highlight my favorite parts little by little.
For my birthday, D took me on a hot air balloon ride in Tuscany - can you even stand how gorgeous this is?? There were 4 balloons - 3 of which held the wedding guests. We got up at 5:00 and drove an hour to this picturesque plot for our sunrise ride. Once you're up, it's so quiet and peaceful. And the view was exactly as you'd imagine Tuscany would appear - lush, green, rolling hills speckled with stone farmhouses.
Our view from the basket.
Here is the groom's father, D, and me. In the basket with us was Greg, the "photographer," and Stefanino, our pilot. The ride was concluded with an outdoor champagne bruch with delicious Italian meats, cheeses, and pastries. Mmmmmmm....