Monday, January 28, 2008

I've Found a New Baby

Baby Lock that is...

This weekend, my friend Karen accompanied me in buying my very first (own) sewing machine! I have been using my mom's trusty cast-iron Singer for, well, 25 years. And she has served me well, but I thought it time to see what I've been missing.

Here it is!

I bought it at Eddie's Quilting Bee in Sunnyvale, and it was quite a pleasant experience. The machine comes with 3 years of classes and, if in a year, I decide to upgrade, I get the full value of the machine towards a better one.

My favorite features are the hands-free sewing, needle up/down feature, automatic needle-threading, and the cutting feature which cuts your thread and brings both down to the bottom (a must-have for the anal-retentive sewer).

I haven't used it yet, but I will surely be posting projects. I am so excited!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


After sleeping in until 9:00 and taking a nap (in my new flannel bedding!!), I thought I should probably make something of my day. So, I used some fabric I had greedily consumed yards and yards of and has since been sitting in one of my several Rubbermaid bins downstairs, and finally covered the brown pleather seats.

A facelift for our chairs... a chairlift.

p.s. I did go on a 1.5 hour hike, so I suppose I'm not totally sloth, and the nap was sort of deserved, right?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Twitty Apron

Here is my victorious claim in the Tiwtty gift exchange. It's a pregnant goldfish (or "twitty") and it's fabulous!!

Thanks Stack - I love it so much!!

Inspirational Dance

You want to see one of the funniest SNL skits of all time?? I can't tell you how many times I've watched Will Forte in this skit, but EVERY TIME, I die laughing.

This is the only place online I can find it... it's jankey, but it works... the funny part starts about 1/2 way through.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Gift Fit for a Twitty

Last night I hosted our 6th Annual Twitty Christmas Extravaganza (yes, we have it in January... you try coordinating 10 girls and their SOs in December). It was a multicultural potluck - we had Egyptian, German, New Zealand, Italian, Vietnamese, Cuban, Jewish, "Chinese," and Swiss representation. Two words - Dee-licious.

Our personal paparazzo Katy took most of the photos, so I'll borrow one of hers for the next post. But what I DO have a photo of is the gift I made for the gift exchange.

It's a clutch, coffee sleeve, and tissue cozy! I made it with some new fabric I picked up at Peapod, my favorite little fabric store. The owner just got back from Japan, and I am sure glad she did, because she brought back this AWESOME kimono-inspired fabric. You will see this fabric again, I assure you. Coco is now the owner of this trio.

The Bend the Rules clutch:

Coffee sleeve:

Tissue cozy:

Might I add how proud I am of all the homemade gifts this year?? It brought a little tear to my eye. I SUPER lucked out and got an apron embroidered with a pregnant goldfish - Twitty lore has it that a "twitty" is a pregnant goldfish. Although we are not named after a pregnant goldfish but a rather giddy gaggle of ladies, it's symbolic and I love it!!! It's in the "shop" getting my name embroidered on it. Photos forthcoming (I realize I say that a lot and don't always come forth with the photos... I will try)

Thank you ladies and gentleman for such a great time!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Doorknobs & Chandeliers

I got sick around the New Year, so I've been lazing around the house in my bathrobe, mostly. But, I love having a project, so I started swapping out our doorknobs and hanging chandeliers (with some help, of course)....both projects that can be done in a bathrobe.

Here's the dining room:

Here's the view from my pillow - I love the idea of a bedroom chandelier:

And one of the doorknobs:

Thanks to my fabulously stylish roommate for making these selections and thanks to Dad for teaching me how to be "an electrician."

Thursday, January 03, 2008

What's For Dinner?


On a rare evening that D and I both had free, D taught me how to make spinach ravioli with marinara sauce, from scratch. It was nothing less than incredible.

D doesn't mess around - this is serious business with the pasta board and the roller.

See, nice and flat.

Stuffed, ready to go into the pot. Made some extra to freeze.

Buon Apetito.

Chestnuts roasted on an open fire (or in the toaster oven) for dessert - Roma style.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy 30 Darren!

...and many more...